Sociocultural Implications of Female Discourse Intonation in “Mr&Mrs”


Sociocultural Implications of Female Discourse Intonation in “Mr&Mrs”

Keywords : Female, Discourse Intonation, Sociocultural Implications, Nollywood Film


This study examines the discourse intonation features that distinguish the females’ voices from males’ and their sociocultural implications. Discourse intonation attempts to explain how intonation patterns in English affect the communicative value of speech, through the use of falling and rising tunes along with changes in pitch (Mark Chapman 2007). Previous researches on discourse intonation paid attention to theory, pitch variations and its functions (Brazil 1994, Chun2002, Ibrahim and Faleke 2013, Raúl J.V. (2015). However, none of the many studies has been dedicated to studying the socio-cultural implications of female discourse intonation of Women in Nollywood film titled Mr & Mrs; hence the need for this study. This study will add to available corpus for phonological analysis, it will also throw light on the pattern of female intonation as means of seeking identity and expression in Nigerian society. This will be done by purposively selecting fifteen dialogues involving women in different context from Nollywood film –Mr& Mrs. this is with a view to examining the sociocultural implications of the discourse intonation patterns of women for the Nigerian society.


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