Trend Analysis of Stock Return on Select Public and Private Sector Banks Listed in BSE and NSE

Siva Thivya. R

Trend Analysis of Stock Return on Select Public and Private Sector Banks Listed in BSE and NSE

Keywords : stock return, trend effect, ordinary least square, closing price.


This study attempts to estimate the trend of share price return of select Banks listed in BSE and NSE. The main objective of this study is to find out the trend of the stock return of select banks listed in BSE and NSE. For the study, top five public and private sector banks were selected on the basis of market capitalization. The analysis is based on the secondary data derived from the stock exchange websites for the period 2007 to 2017. The ordinary least square method is applied to find the stock return trend. The returns (log values) of security prices were calculated. The return of security is taken as dependent variable and the time factor as the independent variable. It has been concluded from the trend analysis that the private sector banks are better when compared to public sector banks.


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