Customer Relationship in Pharmaceutical Industries of Nepal

Tara Prasad Gautam

Customer Relationship in Pharmaceutical Industries of Nepal

Keywords : Attract, Customer, Industry, Pharmaceutical, Relationship, Retention, Satisfaction


Customers' relationship with industry is very important means of advertisement, marketing, communication and expansion of their products. Therefore, every industry has customer care and marketing strategies to attract the customers. Customer's satisfaction ensures the good quality of service and product. The study aims to identify the customer's relationship in pharmaceutical industries of Nepal. Specifically, the study focused to identify the organizational ability to attract and retain the customers and ability to satisfy the customers. There were three indicators to measure the ability to attract and retain customers as well as 3 indicators were used to measure the ability to satisfy the customers. The study was conducted among the 45 staffs of pharmaceutical industries of Rupandehi district of Nepal. The result shows that the organization had better ability to satisfy the customers than to attract and retain them. It indicates the lack of proper marketing and customers' survey strategy to attract and retain the goods. Thus, pharmaceutical industries should increase their capacity to attract and retain the customers.


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