A Study on the Awareness Level of Child Psychiatric Disorder among Parents

A. Parameswari

A Study on the Awareness Level of Child Psychiatric Disorder among Parents

Keywords : Parent, Disorder


The family is a powerful determinant of a child’s emotional development, love, warmth, security, attention, acceptance, happens and discipline are the basic requirement for the healthy growth of a child. The degree to which the child development to be a stable and responsible adult will depend on the basic satisfaction of their need in his immediate environment family is the most important social institution which provide care and intimate responses which are necessary for cultivating individual personalities among desirable. The family in the every culture functions as the primary institution in calculating the socio- cultural norms and value, discipline and other aspect of behavior pattern of the children. All these characteristics are induced in the child by the process of socialization the child is made to learn the best lessons of citizenship both from father and mother as the child grows in to adolescence several problems arising due to various changes in the environment conditions Mental illness in children can be hard for parents to identify. As a result, many children who could benefit from treatment don't get the help they need. Understand the warning signs of mental illness in children and help them to cope. The study aims to understand the socio-demographic status, knowledge about child psychiatry among parents. The descriptive design was used and the sampling method was simple random sampling. The frequency table was used for analysis. The suggestions were active co-operation of the parent and teachers in making the atmosphere of the suitable for proper mental development.


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