A Comparative Performance Evaluation of Sugarcane Producing States in India

Dr. Vivek Kumar Mishra

A Comparative Performance Evaluation of Sugarcane Producing States in India

Keywords : Performance, Sugarcane, Semi log Regression, Coefficient of Variation


Present study attempts to examine the comparative performance of sugarcane producing states and identify best performing states in terms of selected performance indicators. The study made use of averages, compound annual growth rates and coefficient of variation to achieve the objectives of the study. Semi log regression has been applied to test the significance of growth rates wherever find necessary. The study of selected 18 sugar producing states reveals that the sugarcane scenario of India is full of diversity in terms of area, production and yield of sugarcane across sugar producing states. At all India level during last 12 years all the three selected variables have registered significant growth in terms of CAGR. However, the large variation in the state wise sugarcane yield is a matter of concern from the point of view of viability of sugar industry. The study of area, production and yield of sugarcane on the basis of averages, growth rates and stability suggest that with some exceptions, it could be concluded that in terms of averages, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh have been top performers. While in terms of growth rate Karnataka and Maharashtra have consistently registered growth. While if we identify top performers in terms of stability, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat could be marked as top performer as theses states have registered least CV for most of the performance indicator.


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