Fighting Back The Iron Hand: A Study of Sarah Aboobaker’s When Dharma Cast Its Net and K.S. Duggal’s The Masters

Dr. Chrissie Gracelyn David

Fighting Back The Iron Hand: A Study of Sarah Aboobaker’s When Dharma Cast Its Net and K.S. Duggal’s The Masters

Keywords : Subaltern, Marginalized, Zamindari, Jamaat, Communal, Feudal, Bourgeois


Inequality of any sort, like power or position leads to one dominating the other individual or group. The oppressed is sometimes passive. When they fight back, it gives impetus to other suffering communities. To expose the denial of human rights, literature is used effectively. Sarah Aboobaker’s When Dharma Cast its Net and The Masters by K.S. Duggal portray the suffering of the subaltern and how they reacted.


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