A Study on Customer Satisfaction about Weekly Market (Sandhai) In Kovilpalayam, Coimbatore


A Study on Customer Satisfaction about Weekly Market (Sandhai) In Kovilpalayam, Coimbatore

Keywords : Customer Satisfaction, Weekly Market, Sandhai, Rural Customers Introduction


Weekly Market (Sandhai) is common word often used by the rural people for the purchase and selling of their goods. Santhai is held in the places such as Pollachi, Thudiyalur, Puliampattia and Kovilpalayam well known among the rural people. The main reason for the attraction towards the Santhai is that the common people can buy anything needed for their life starting from grains to cattle, bulls etc. The santhai plays a prominent role in the life style of the rural people. The satisfaction of the customer’s is important. So an attempt is made by the researcher among the people of kovilpalayam.


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