Teenagers and Mainstream Media: Examining the Parameters of Reportage of Teenagers by English Newspapers in Chennai

R. Venkatesh Aravindh

Teenagers and Mainstream Media: Examining the Parameters of Reportage of Teenagers by English Newspapers in Chennai

Keywords : Print media, reportage, teenagers, portrayal


Teenagers are one of the most important pockets of the population as they are the ones who will become the youth of the country. Print media is one of the traditional media that has tremendous impact across age groups and mass media. Print media plays a vital role in shaping the imageries of teenagers across the masses in the country. Print media outlets have wider reach to the larger strata of the country. Print media outlets often report on variety of issues and challenges that are faced in the country. There is however a notion that there is under reportage of issues or misrepresentation of issues in print media. Also, the portrayal of teenagers is of utmost importance at a larger perspective. In such important phase, it is really necessary to undergo a research study to understand the significance of how media is portraying teenagers in the newspapers which is being circulated to the wide readers of the nation. This research study is effectively intended to understand, the parameters of reportage given to teenagers in the print media in Chennai, by analysing various Regional Newspapers using suitable variables and parameters.


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