Sustaining India-Economically, Environmentally and Socially


Sustaining India-Economically, Environmentally and Socially

Keywords : sustainability, economic sustainability, GDP, environmental sustainability, energy intensity, social sustainability, head count ratio, millennium declaration


Sustainability is a complex and broad conceptin corporating in one way or other-ecologically sustainability, social sustainability & Economical sustainability Indian economy has witness eda tremendous growth since 1990s. Remarkable performance of Indian economy is clearly visible in growth of GDP and sector al shift in sectors contribution in GDP, poverty reduction etc. India emerged as fastest growing economies of the world and also sustaining itself on the basis of ecological indicators like Area covered under forests, per capita energy consumption, percapita CO2 emission, consumption of ozone depleting chloroflouro carbons and social indicatorslike households with sustainable access to and improved water sources and sanitation. The main objective of this paper is to assess sustainability of India economy on the basis of economic, ecological and social dimensions also supported by Millenium Declaration.


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