An Analysis of Public Expenditure on Education in India
- Author Tahir Hussain Ansari
- Co-Author Dr Mohd Azam Khan
- Country : India
- Subject : Economics
In the present paper, an attempt has been made to examine the level, trends, growth and intra-Sectoral allocation of Public expenditure on education. Taking period from 2001-02 to 2014-15, we have analysed the expenditure on education at various levels, in aggregate as well as separately for the centre and the state’s government. The paper explores the trends on planned and non-planned expenditure on education. The analysis shows that percentage share of State government expenditure on education has declined and the share of the central government has increased. The share of public expenditure on education has been less than 5 percent as a proportion of GDP. Finally, we have suggested that the government (centre and state) should focus on education from the quality point of view along with budget allocations in order to enhance human resource development in the country.
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