Influence of Personal and Organizational Variables on Hrd Practices, Climate and Their Outcome
- Author Mr. T. Chandrasekhar Yadav
- Co-Author Dr. Meeravali Shaik, Dr. P.C. Saibabu
- Country : India
- Subject : Management
HRD variables are designed to link with Human Resource planning whereby employees contribute the maximum to the organization satisfying their own personal goals. The HR practices in IT companies are studied in general and the crucial subsystems, namely Organization efficiency increase, Productivity increase, Organizational culture change, Profitability, Employee satisfaction are analyses to know their impact on the working of the organization. The HRD climate of IT organizations are directly depends upon managerial effectiveness of the employees as well as the teamwork engagement and further found that work assessment of the employees plays a major role in developing the organization in the IT sector organizations. It shows that there is association between their managerial level and HRD climate. It is revealed that there is an association between income level of employees and their HRD climate perceptions. It is concluded that similar kind of perception towards HRD climate. It is informed that there is an influence of gender, age, managerial level, and experience and income factors of HRD climate in the selected organizations.
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