Transcending Self in A.G.Cronin’s Two Gentlemen of Verona And The Best Investment I Ever Made

Dr. Chrissie Gracelyn David

Transcending Self in A.G.Cronin’s Two Gentlemen of Verona And The Best Investment I Ever Made

Keywords : Transcend, self- preservation, self- actualization, self- conquest, motivation


There is a choice for every human being when handling life situations. When hardships come they can succumb and ruin their life or overcome and become strong. They can put the self before the other and live a stagnant life or other before the self and make the world a better place. Cronin’s protagonists choose the latter. They suffer but they finally cross the overwhelming flood by wading with their individual strength or by holding to a life line. Transcending self is not rejecting self. Motivation helps the self to transcend to a great extend to meet every situation that comes in life. If a person accepts suffering and failure as part of life, the result is life- changing.


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