Characterization of Microbiocenosis in Adults
- Author Maia Elizbarashvili
- Co-Author Marina Darsavelidze, Tamar Suladze, Sophio Gunia, Marine Dadunashvili
- Country : Georgia
- Subject : Microbiology
In order to study the microbiocenosis 1694 clinical samples have been investigated and determined that dysbiotic disorders were evident in 68% of cases. In category II (patients from 60 years above) dysbiotic disturbance were 12% more, than in category I (patients from 17 up to 60 years) and dominant role belongs to lacto flora. In 88% the dysbiosis were characterized with the presence of conditionally pathogenic bacteria, their frequency of isolation in category II were 12% less, than in category I. Mono infections were presented by the bacteria of genus Escherichia, Klebsiella, Proteus and other. As for mixed infections two and three-member associations consisted mainly of representatives of the family Enterobacteriaceae and Enterococcus spp. and in single cases in combination with S.aureus and P.aeruginosa. It was found out that adverse indicators of dysbiotic disorders associated with the role of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms are the formation of microbial associations.
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