Monoparentalite ET Reussite Scolaire A Abidjan: Cas Des Enfants De L’association Des Femmes Veuves De Yopougon


Monoparentalite ET Reussite Scolaire A Abidjan: Cas Des Enfants De L’association Des Femmes Veuves De Yopougon

Keywords : Female single parenthood, female heads of households, economic and social vulnerability, academic success


This article analyzes the impact of female single parenthood on the school performance of children. Based on a qualitative and quantitative approach, the data show that despite the fact that they live in a disadvantaged family environment compared to others, children from single-parent families have good school results. And some are counted among the best in their classes. This good performance of these children is the result of the personal involvement and financial efforts of their mothers. Despite these efforts, some students find themselves in school difficulty because of certain behaviors (indiscipline, child labor) that affect their academic performance.
The difficulties of these students are related to the economic precariousness of their family and the lack of paternal authority in their lives. In these families where precariousness (economic and social) is important, students are sometimes forced to drop out of school to work to help the family.


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