Icothofauna: - A key to identify the different genera of fishes of River Ganga at Haridwar

Dr. Deepika Vats

Icothofauna: - A key to identify the different genera of fishes of River Ganga at Haridwar

Keywords : abundance activities, river Ganga


Theriver Ganga is blessed with a number of lotic and lentic water bodies. The microclimate provided by the different zones say of the river attract different types of fish species depending on their habitat, which in turn depend largely on factors like variability of nourishment, dissolved oxygen, light, flow etc. in different zones of the river. The organization of fish assemblage reflects both biotic and abiotic sets of features occurring in a particular moment which influence the distribution, abundance, and species interactions, various activities such as irrigation, power generation, Fish River etc provide employment to a sizeable section of the society. Fish men are helpful in collection. An extensive survey was conducted of fishes.


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