Gender Perspective on career development and opportunity in health service organization of Nepal

Dipak Mahat

Gender Perspective on career development and opportunity in health service organization of Nepal

Keywords : Career, growth, development, opportunity, organization, Gender


Every organization has their own human resource management plan to mobilize and motivate the human resource. The aim of this study is to find out the Gender Perspective on career development and opportunity in health service organization of Nepal. Research was conducted among health sectors worker of 12 remote districts of Nepal. The study collects the data by using the structured questionnaire technique and had selected the sample size of 413 respondents. The reliability test of instruments was done to ensure the quality of the collected data.Factors analysis, Cross-tab and Chi-square test was used to find the results. There was no signification association (p =.086) found among the male and female regarding professional growth and career development at.05% significant, whereas there was significant association found between male and females employees regarding their experience on growth and development based on merits (p =.008), career development plan (p =.020), and fairness in employee’s promotion (p =.003).. It is found that organization focus on employee career development plan although employees were not satisfied with the current practice of career development. Data show that majority of employee were not quite happy with promotion strategy. That’s why concerned authority should more focus towardscareer development of employee to retainthem for long term performance.


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