Biomass should be considered as a potential energy

Pham Minh Chau

Biomass should be considered as a potential energy

Keywords : sustainable development, biomass, ennergy


Vietnam has many different energy resources from coal to oil and gas, coal and hydropower. However, these natural resources are not endless and are in danger of being exhausted. Therefore, in recent years, the Government has encouraged the research and use of renewable energy sources, both diversifying energy sources and contributing to environmental protection, including solar and biomass energy. Biomass (or energy from organic material - biomass). Biomass comes in many forms: wood, forestry products such as sawdust, agricultural waste such as straw, manure, energy crops (sugar cane, willow). According to experts, using biomass will provide new opportunities for agriculture and forestry in Vietnam. Also according to studies, our country can produce 170 million tons of biomass, if put into use, it will contribute to reduce CO2 emissions into the environment very effectively. According to fast and strong the development of economy, social. The people increasingly needed big energy resources that serve for life. However, the main sources of energy present base on the fossil. This is energy that cannot regenerative. Therefore, there are many ideas, applications about using energy efficiently. Beside some renewable energy was created, Biomass energy is the type of energy that the people use it a long time in different kinds. In the current world, many types of biomass energy have used but the question “How to use biomass energy efficiently and reasonably” still hard question and this question need to be researched carefully.


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