Biodiesel originated from Jatropha oil as the alternative fuel for diesel engines
- Author Danh Chan Nguyen
- Co-Author Van Huong Dong
- Country : Vietnam
- Subject : Transport
Biodiesel is a liquid fuel with similar features and can be used instead of traditional diesel. Biodiesel is prepared by deriving from some types of bio-grease (vegetable oil, animal fat), usually done through transesterification by reacting with the most common methanol alcohol. Biodiesel has many advantages for the environment compared to conventional diesel: Biodiesel from rapeseed produces much less emissions than fossil fuels. Dust in the exhaust gas is reduced by half, hydrocarbon compounds are reduced to 40%. Biodiesel is almost non-sulfur, non-toxic and can be easily biodegradable. Biodiesel is now considered one of the most environmentally friendly fuels on the market, reducing CO2 emissions, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions, with little or no compounds of sulfur (<0.001% compared to 0.2% in Diesel oil), the content of other compounds in waste smoke such as CO, SOX, HC has not been burned, soot is reduced significantly, so it is beneficial Very large to the environment and human health, does not contain aromatic HC so it does not cause cancer, has the ability to self-decomposition and non-toxic, reduce water and soil pollution, reduce the consumption of petroleum products.
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