Studies on the Occurrence of Pathogens in Fermented African Oil Bean Seed Ugba

Okpalla J

Studies on the Occurrence of Pathogens in Fermented African Oil Bean Seed Ugba

Keywords : Pathogenic bacteria, Fermentation, African oil bean seeds, ugba, pulic health importance


The study was carried out to determine the occurrence of pathogens in fermented African oil bean ugba. Samples of ugba were produced locally using standard procedures. The bacterial population was isolated, characterized and identified. Antibiotic susceptibity tests were conducted on the pathogens. The bacteria isolated were Bacillus licheniformis, Enterobacter spp, Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella spp, Bacillus subtilis, Klebsiella spp. Staphylococcus epidermidis, Salmonella spp. Bacillus cereus, Corynebacterium spp., Escherichia coli, Shigella spp and Bacillus alvei. The coliform count had the highest value of 3.7x104, 7.9 x102, 2.5x104 cfu/g at 72 h for all the samples of ugba produced, except for the ugba bought from the local producer which recorded the highest count (5.5x107) at 48 h. The highest heterotrophic count of 8.1x107, 1.1x105, 1.3x103, 3.6x103 was obtained at 72 h for all the samples of ugba produced. The Staphylococcus count recorded the highest value of 3.9x105,, 4.5x103, 9.5x105 at 48 h for all the samples of ugba produced, except ugba prepared with sterilized water which recorded a maximum of 1.81x103 at 48 h. For Salmonella-Shigella count, the highest value of 5.0x106 and 6.0x102 cfu/g was obtained at 48 h for ugba samples bought from a local producer and prepared with unsterilized water, while the highest values of 3.7x104 and 3.4x103 cfu/g were recorded for samples of ugba prepared with boiled and sterilized water. Some of the bacteria were susceptible to reflacine, ciproflox, gentamycin and streptomycin and all showed multi-drug resistance. It is concluded that ugba contained entero pathogens which are of public health importance.


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