The study developed criteria for a successful adaptation to effect of climate change taking case of Gandaki river basin of Nepal. In study area, the forest users have already been implementing some adaptation activities at community level adaptation in past. 20 experts were involved to develop criteria using Delphi techniques. These experts have in-depth knowledge on subject matter and long working experiences in the study area. Based on literature review, the researcher presented 46 criteria to expert panel grouped under six different categories. Six different categories include; technical aspects of adaptation activity, effectiveness in achieving adaptation outcomes, efficiency of cost and benefits, equity for the local beneficiaries, social acceptability and sustainability of adaptation activities in communities. From round one of expert consultation, all 46 criteria were accepted as relevant (>=70% positive response) and 11 more criteria were added by experts. New set of 57 criteria were then presented to the same panel of experts for rating priority. Based on expert prioritization, three criteria were rejected and 54 criteria were accepted (>=60% priority score). The Deplhi technique was successfully used in this case study. The set of 54 criteria are recommended as new set of criteria suitable for assessment of community-based adaptation to climate change applicable to forest user communities in Gandaki river basin Nepal.
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