Remittance Inflow and its Impacts on Education: A Case Study of Udayapur District in Nepal

Gajendra Bista

Remittance Inflow and its Impacts on Education: A Case Study of Udayapur District in Nepal

Keywords : remittance, education, impact


Remittances are not a new phenomenon in the world, being a normal concomitant to migration which has always been a part of human history. Remittance is taken as transfer of money. The remittance has great impact in different parts of Investment and development. It shows that high position was taken in the investment and development of nations. The main aim of the study was to find the impact of remittance on education of children. Udayapur district was selected for the study and 404 respondents were participated in the study. The impact of remittance was seen on the types of schools of children, Improvement of the outcomes of children, increase on the educational expenses of parents, positively enhancement of studying hour of children. Similarly, Extra classes and extra pays were also affordable to enhance the quality of children's education. The study also finds there is significant association on the gender of migrants and improvement on children's educational outcomes but there is association between number of migrants and improvements of students' outcomes.


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