A proposal for semi-automatic calculation of retinal blood tree volume
- Author Ilea Mihai
- Co-Author Turnea Marius, Rotariu Mariana , Arotaritei Dragos
- Country : ROMANIA
- Subject : Medical Biosciences
Arterial tree and venous tree volumes are important quantitative measures with important significance for cardiovascular system. Evaluation and prediction of blood volume in retinal tree is physiologically and potential clinically significant. The scanned retina images are preprocessed by filtering and segmentation in order to obtain the vascular tree. A semi-manual process correct the skeleton of vascular tree by completing the gapes where it is possible, identify and numbering the nodes where bifurcation occurs. Each segment of tree is approximated by volumetric regular body and as result, the summation of all the segments will be the volume of retina vascular tree.
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