Orientation for development of transportation system

C. T. Tran

Orientation for development of transportation system

Keywords : transportation system, roads, inland waterways


Currently, the transport infrastructure system (Traffic infrastructure) of Vietnam has been invested and developed in all specialized fields. Road has a total length of about 24,203 km. Of which, the expressway has been put into use with 14 routes with a total length of 816,671 km; The national highway has a total length of 23,862 km; Inland waterway has a total length of exploiting and managing 7,071.8 km; 220 inland ports managed by the central, 3,087 licensed inland wharves on central routes; Railway: Vietnam's national railway network has a total length of 3,159,908 km. Total 216 railway stations; Marine: There are 32 seaports (including 14 seaports of type I and IA, 18 of seaports of class II) in addition, there are 13 offshore petroleum ports are seaports of type III. Output through 2016 was about 459.8 million tons (reaching 86% of capacity). The country has 48 navigational channels to the national public port with a total length of 943.7 km and 12 routes to specialized ports; Aviation: there are 21 airports with a total capacity of 77.75 million passengers / year and 1.01 million tons of cargo / year, meeting the operation of A320 / A321 aircraft; Inland port system: there are 05 dry ports and 16 inland clearance ports, concentrated in the North and the South; Currently operating about 2,632,721 TEUs / year on a total capacity of 6,538,200 TEUs / year (reaching 40% of capacity). In addition, there is a local system of infrastructure.


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