Orientation for the development of maritime industry in Vietnam
- Author Manh Hung Nguyen
- Co-Author Nghia Chung, Thanh Nam Dang
- Country : Vietnam
- Subject : Transport
Viet Nam's marine strategy defines a goal by 2020 that will strive to turn our country into a strong nation of the sea, enriched from the sea. To achieve this goal, the urgent task is to build an efficient and sustainable maritime economy, in which the role of the maritime industry is particularly important. This poses a great responsibility for Vietnam's maritime industry to further improve the effectiveness of specialized state management, in order to contribute to promoting the maritime economy and the marine economy in general according to Resolution 09 / NQ-TW dated 9/2/2007 on the Vietnam Sea Strategy to 2020, striving to make our country become a strong nation in the sea, enriched from the sea. Over the past years, the Vietnam Maritime Administration has well performed the function of advising the Minister of Transport, and simultaneously effectively performing the function of state management of shipping including: Developing and improving the market. part of the Vietnamese shipping fleet; building modern maritime infrastructure to compete - international integration; focus on restructuring the state shipping enterprise, renovating institutions and policies, promoting the development of the industry. Recognizing that role and importance, the Vietnam Maritime Administration has constantly promoted creativity, technical improvement, unanimous solidarity, efforts of leaders and employees to always achieve excellence an important political task, to build a comprehensive, efficient and sustainable Vietnam Maritime Industry, towards a comprehensive international integration.
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