An Application of Sartre's Notion of Freedom to Nigerian Situation

Vitus C. Emekwulu

An Application of Sartre's Notion of Freedom to Nigerian Situation

Keywords : Application, Notion, Freedom, Nigerian situation, Constitution


There is an ever increasing rate of hardships in Nigeria. With this in view, it becomes necessary for Nigerians to ask themselves some pertinent questions. Is it that we do not have the freedom yet to attack the political system of our time? Or is it that we are not yet ready to accept responsibility? It is in this background the researcher primarily intends to reflect on freedom and responsibility in line with Jean Paul Sartre’s existentialism. This work explores the relevance of the concept of freedom and responsibility to the Nigerian situation as it has to do with the youth, security, constitution et cetera. In doing so, it discovers that a number of maladies in our contemporary society arise as a result of the conviction, that man has a determined end. This work recommends the responsible use of man’s freedom. As a way of doing justice to the work, the researcher primarily uses the Philosophical method of critical reflection in the research.


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