Effect of mono and co-culture fermentation on the nutrient composition of alkaline and biologically pretreated Indigofera arrecta seeds.

Martha O. Ahmadu

Effect of mono and co-culture fermentation on the nutrient composition of alkaline and biologically pretreated Indigofera arrecta seeds.

Keywords : Indigofera arrecta; Trichoderma harzanium; Aspergillus niger; co-culture fermentation; alkaline pretreated; biologically pretreated


The effect of mono and co-fermentation on the proximate composition, some mineral elements and antinutritional factors of alkaline pretreated (AlPS) and biologically pretreated (BiPS) Indigofera arrecta seeds was studied. Fermentation was carried out using fungal isolates of Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma harzanium combinations which were found compatible and used for development of co-culture formulations. The proximate composition, some anti-nutrients and the mineral elements of the mono and co-culture formulations pretreated Indigofera arrecta seeds were analyzed using standard procedures. These results also show that co-culture formulations of the pretreated samples significantly increased the crude protein content, some minerals and decreased the antinutritional content when compared with monocultures. This study has shown that compatible mixture of Trichoderma harzanium and Aspergillus niger can further reduce the antinutrients and improve the nutritional content of alkaline and biologically pretreated Indigofera arrecta seeds.


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