Study on the Zinc Absorbability of Ash from Domestic Waste Incinerator

Duong Thi Minh Hoa

Study on the Zinc Absorbability of Ash from Domestic Waste Incinerator

Keywords : ash slag, heavy metal, Hich village


Study on the Zinc absorbability of ash from domestic waste incinerator shows that: Ash from domestic waste incinerator is alkaline, Nitrogen – poor, Phosphorous – rich, low Zinc content which is equal to 2, 58 - 2, 69 mg/kg. The soil in Lead and Zinc mine in Hich village has average pH level, low electrical conductivity and high Zn content which is 4, 3 times higher than QCVN (Vietnamese Standards). The mobile Zn content is high, around 58, 61 mg/kg. Study on the zinc absorbability of ash from domestic waste incinerator shows that: modified ash can fix mobile Zinc better than normal ash. The mixing ratio is directly proportional to the effectiveness of mobile Zn fixation by ash from domestic waste incinerator. The highest effectiveness of mobile Zn fixation is achieved with the formula B20 which is 80, 99%. According to the research, the mobile Zn fixation is highest at 8 hours in experiment.


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