Sociographie de la répartition des rôles sociaux entre genres dans la localité d’Oliénou à Bouaké (Côte d’Ivoire)

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Sociographie de la répartition des rôles sociaux entre genres dans la localité d’Oliénou à Bouaké (Côte d’Ivoire)

Keywords : Socio-community land management, gender, Baoulé community


In Baoulé society, the natives of the village of Olienou, men and women share different roles in the regulation of the land. Men take on the regular tasks of administering goods and people. While women, take care of the subsistence economy and the household. A mechanization of the management of social work where each gender performs in an exemplary manner the role devolved to it in the socio-political system. In a socio-anthropological approach, we understand through the theory of social regulation the different facets of the male-female relationship in the social division of activities relating to community space.


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