The Impact of Office Recreation on Staff Wellbeing

Keywords : employee wellbeing, physical fitness, mental health, health programs


The Nigerian University Commission conducted a study to assess workplace recreation and employee well-being. The particular goals are to find out how physical fitness programs affect employee wellbeing at Nigerian University Commission and how mental health programs affect employee wellbeing at Nigerian University Commission. The descriptive research method was used in this study. The study's population consisted of 748 Nigerian University Commission employees, with a sample size of 230 determined using the Taro Yamane formula. Simple percentage analysis was used to analyze the data, and Simple Linear regression was used to test all hypotheses at 0.05 alpha levels. Physical fitness programs have a substantial effect on employee wellbeing at Nigerian University Commission, and mental health programs have a large effect on employee wellbeing at Nigerian University Commission, according to the findings of the study. Physical fitness and mental health programs have a considerable favorable influence on employee wellness and performance, according to the study. It was suggested, among other things, that organizations should provide recreation facilities and activities that are of interest to employees, taking into account their various interests, gender, age, and other factors. This will encourage employees to participate in their favorite recreational activities.


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