Teaching Book Writing Assistance: Efforts to Improve the Competence of Achieving Teachers

Rusi Rusmiati Aliyyah

Teaching Book Writing Assistance: Efforts to Improve the Competence of Achieving Teachers

Keywords : Mentoring, textbooks, teacher competence, elementary school


This study aims to improve the competence of elementary school teachers so that they can compete at the national level in the outstanding teacher competition. The study used a thematic qualitative analysis approach with data collection through surveys and group discussion forums to 10 respondents consisting of nationally accomplished elementary school teachers from Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Banten and Yogyakarta. The analysis results found four main themes: the mentoring program's sustainability for writing textbooks, the person in charge of the sustainability of the mentoring program, sources of financing for the mentoring program, and recommendations for implementing mentoring activities. In addition, respondents also gave statements about the importance of mentoring activities provided to teachers with research results 90% strongly agree with the training and mentoring, 90% of the training materials according to needs, 90% of the subject matter by the training materials, and 50% agree with the duration of the training activity that has been given.


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