Study on Population density by the impact of climate ecological factors.
- Author Dr. R.K. Jain
- DOI http://wwj
- Country : India
- Subject : Botany
Observation & Monitoring for three consecutive years of the aphids and whitefly vectors in Lucknow showed sharp distinction in aphid and whitefly incidence. Aphid vectors were Aphis craccivora, A. gossypii. The temporal apperance of these aphids varied on the host plants. No trap catches were obtained during the summer season but A. gossypii survived in summer on Solanum nigrum. Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) incidence fluctuated throughout the year with peak incidence in March-April, June and in Secptember-October. Conditions favouring whitefly build up during these periods were variable. In the winter season (Dec. to Feb.) trap catches were low and only pupal instar were observed on Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.
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