A Comparative Study on Scientific Epistemological Views of Postgraduate Students of Different Discipline

Dr Anjum Ahmed

A Comparative Study on Scientific Epistemological Views of Postgraduate Students of Different Discipline

Keywords : scientific epistemological views, postgraduate, science education


Fostering the sophisticated epistemology of science among students has been a fundamental goal of science education. The study aims to understand the SEV of postgraduate students in relation to their gender, stream, and locality. For this research 150, postgraduate students were randomly selected from the Aligarh Muslim University. The investigators used the SEV (Scientific Epistemological Views) scale standardized by Liu, S.Y., and Tsai, G. C. (2005). The findings of this study are that a significant statistical difference in the mean scores of Scientific Epistemological Views of science and non-science major postgraduate students were observed. Higher values of SEV scores of science major students indicate more ‘sophisticated’ beliefs while non-science major students had a lower score, meaning they had ‘naive’ views of SEV. No significant gender differences have been reported in the study. However, it was seen that the mean score SEV of the female is slightly higher than the male. When studying the SEV among rural and urban postgraduate students, no significant difference was found between them. The finding did reveal a minute noteworthy difference: the urban postgraduate students scored more than the rural postgraduate students. Interestingly, two groups, according to streams, stood out to be remarkably significantly different in SEV. The science group scored significantly high on the SEV than the commerce group.


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