Relevance of Constructivism in Today’s Learning Environment

Seema Malik

Relevance of Constructivism in Today’s Learning Environment

Keywords : Constructivism, Piaget, Vygotsy, Self-regulation


Theory of constructivism is defined as active construction of new knowledge based on a learner’s experiences. Constructivists see learning as a situational activity where learners are active, in control of and at the centre of the learning. Social interaction plays an important role in learning. Piaget postulates that children pass through a series of stages for their cognitive development - sensorimotor, pre operational, concrete operational and formal operational. The chief development mechanism is equilibration, which helps to resolve cognitive conflicts by changing the nature of reality to fit existing structures or changing these structures to make place for reality. Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory emphasises the social environment as a facilitator of development and learning. A key concept given by him is the zone of proximal development (ZPD), which represents the amount of learning possible by a student, given proper instructional conditions.


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