Sprouting Arrangement of Different Grasses in Thar Desert Ecosystem

B.S.V. Prakash

Sprouting Arrangement of Different Grasses in Thar Desert Ecosystem

Keywords : Thar Desert Ecosystem, Water Supply, Prevailingharsh Climatic


Ecophysiology of water relations is one of the important parameters to judge the adaptability of a particular plant species to the prevailingharsh climatic and edaphic conditions. The grasses viz, Cyperus sp., S. marginatus, P. turgidum and L. sindicus sprouted within 10 days, whereas D. bipinnata sprouted after 30 days, S. marginatus requires less water compared to other species. L. sindicus, P. turgidum and C. jwarancusa required daily watering. Thus, the different pattern of sprouting behavior of grasses in thar desert is that they mostly need regular water supply for establishment and sprouting. Two or three interrupted rains help their quick regeneration, mainly during monsoon season.


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