Developing Procedural Skills with Practice-Based Learning in Vocational Education


Developing Procedural Skills with Practice-Based Learning in Vocational Education

Keywords : Practice-based learning, procedural skill, vocational education.


Practice-based learning is about making learning environment as realistic as possible and requires students to show what they know and relate theory and practice. This is because practice-based learning can produce graduates who are ready to use in the world of work. Learning orientation prioritizes practical activities, so this learning is closely related to procedural abilities or skills because almost all of them use practice in learning. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the relation between practice-based learning and procedural skills. The data analysis technique was by comparing the students' pretest and posttest using the mean test. The research subjects in this research were 50 students from each of 2 classes with the results of this study that a practice-based learning model was declared effective to improve the ability to apply procedural skills.


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