Causes and Consequences of Workplace Harassment Against Woman: A Case Study of District Lahore

Mariam Rehman

Causes and Consequences of Workplace Harassment Against Woman: A Case Study of District Lahore

Keywords : Harassment, Women, Working place, Physical activity and Sexual Harassment


Discrimination is an act of harassment. Any uninvited physical or verbal act that offends or humiliates you is included. Sexual abuse is defined as unwelcome or unwanted sexual attention from a coworker that causes pain, embarrassment, anger, or grief, and/or hinders with work productivity. It includes any sexual activities or practices directed against one or more workers by a person or a group of individuals. The women who enter the job in Pakistan is rapidly increasing. Physical, psychological, and sexual harassment of women in the workplace is a concern in the country. Every year, tens of thousands of Pakistani women are sexually harassed by male coworkers. The current study was done to analyze this issue at a workplace in the Lahore District.” The purpose of the study was to understand more about the sorts of harassment that labourer women face. Clear reporting and punishment procedures for harassment events must be created and communicated to all workers. Employers and supervisors, both male and female, must be aware of issues around harassment and how to address them. Physical activity and the growth of a good self will aid women in managing with attackers and diminish the urge for some males to display their worth by harassing employees.


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