Sustainable Development Strategies for Handloom Industry Post Covid-19 Era in Salem District

S. Jothi

Sustainable Development Strategies for Handloom Industry Post Covid-19 Era in Salem District

Keywords : Handloom industry, sustainable strategies, employment opportunity, thrive, Salem, Post pandemic, COVID-19


Sustainable development periods are listed in every aspect of life. The broader perspective of sustainable development and its three dimensions: ecology, economy and community, allows its continued use in any action taken by people or organizations. Initially the term was mostly used as an environmental aspect, but today, all its dimensions are taken into account. It is time to integrate the sustainable development concept with the handloom sector – a very broad sector in which sustainable development is very effective. Industry provides one of the above standards for sustainable development and mitigation of undesirable effects on the environment. Presently the handloom industry in the post-pandemic period is facing many difficulties related to raw material, marketing and sales network etc. We argue that this study reveals sustainable development strategies that can make a positive contribution to generating standard employment opportunities and the handloom industry will continue to thrive.


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