The Correlation Between Partial Differential Mastering and Learning Thermodynamics of Physics

Jafri Haryadi

The Correlation Between Partial Differential Mastering and Learning Thermodynamics of Physics

Keywords : partial differential material, physical thermodynamics


This study aims to determine the correlation degree of partial differential mastery contribution to study the thermodynamics of physics of students of the Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al Washliyah. In collecting data in this study, students were given tests of partial differential equations and thermodynamic physics materials. This test was administered to find the correlation between the students' ability in mastering the two materials. Data analysis revealed that there was a significant correlation between the mastery of partial differential and studying physical thermodynamics. The hypothesis testing showed a positive value. The correlation coefficient, the value of rXY = 0.76 is obtained and continued with the significance test of the correlation coefficient and the value of t = 9.92 (t count) is obtained, while the t table value for the significance level is 0.05 = 1.70. The calculation of the coefficient of termination obtained the price of r2XY = 0.5772. It found that 57.72%; the data shows that there is a significant contribution to the mastery of partial differentials in studying thermodynamic physics.


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