Organic Farming – Its Effects and Benefits: A Study on Tiny Hilly State of India.

Dr. Asok Kumar Bose

Organic Farming – Its Effects and Benefits: A Study on Tiny Hilly State of India.

Keywords : Public Relations Officer, health facilities, communication, Public Relationship Channels


Organic farming is a very popular system adopted by Sikkim. Today all farming in Sikkim is carried out without the use of synthetic fertilizer and pesticides. After 2003 entry of chemical inputs for farmland was restricted and their sales banned. The provocation for future organic agriculture will be keep up to its environmental interest, enhance yields and cut prices while encountering the threats of climate change and a rising world population. A large number of rural areas were studied as bio-villages in Sikkim by the department of food security and agriculture development in association with Maple Orgtech (India) LTD. Organic cultivation is in a growing stage in India. Around 2.78 million hectare of cultivatable land was under organic farming. The first move as regards to transformation of Sikkim state into organic was the acceptance of bio-village initiative applying EM Technology. Organic farming has enabled abundant opportunity and expansion in the state of Sikkim but the small farmers are yet to be exploited of their favourable parts. As a whole, organic farming has lessen expenses of cultivation. Sikkim is tenacious to make idle any agrochemicals, pesticides, synthetic materials and other additives excepting organic verified products.


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