Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Indian Tourism & Hospitality Industry

Pawan Kumar

Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Indian Tourism & Hospitality Industry

Keywords : COVID-19, Indian tourism industry, pandemic, corona virus


The rapid outbreak of COVID-19 has caused significant disruptions to the worldwide economy and also challenged the human life. As per the WHO report the virus has infected 195 million people internationally till July 2021 and 4.1 million deaths (WHO, 2021). From the late 2019 to mid-2021, the COVID-19 had brought travel to a sudden stop and greatly impacted the travel and tourism industry. Tourism is a major source of employment, foreign exchange earnings and government revenue for many developed and developing countries. Tourism driven countries have lost their people’s livelihood and fighting for their minimum survival. According to UNWTO report the worldwide tourist arrivals decreased by 74 percent in 2020 against with 2019. In case of India, the travel and tourism contributed in Indian GDP was 6.9% and tourism provided 87 million direct and indirect jobs that is 12.1% of whole employment in 2019 and it was estimated to increase around 10% by 2028 ( WTTC,2020). But this pandemic badly affected and paralyzed the travel industry. All tourism stake holders trying their hard to back tourist again. The main motive of this research paper is to study the impact of covid-19 virus on tourism industry especially Indian Tourism industry.


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