A Study on Usage of Social Networking Sites among the Students of Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore

P. Shenil Kumar

A Study on Usage of Social Networking Sites among the Students of Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore

Keywords : Usage, Social Networking Sites, Networking, User Study


Social Networking Sites can be broadly defined as internet-based social spaces designed to facilitate communication, collaboration, and content sharing across networks of contacts. Social Networking Sites allow users to manage, build and represent their specifically target students, little has been published about the actual practices and the usage patterns of these so-called social networking services. The present study aimed at analyzing the reasons for registering in the SNS and the various purposes and benefits of using the SNS for academic purpose and gender and using the SNS for academic and research purpose. A structured questionnaire was designed to collect the data and survey methods was used for investigation a total 200 randomly selected samples have been taken into consideration, Simple frequency, percentage analysis, Mean, Standard Deviation, a greater number of respondents mentioned that SNS helps for their academic and research purpose.


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