Keywords : Cascaded optical amplifiers, optical fibre, MATLAB, BER performance, simulation
In optical fibre communication networks, the bit-error rate (BER) to signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio has been very peculiar to analysing optical fibre communication system performance. Here, we report explicitly, the optical BER performance of a network of cascaded optical amplifiers with respect to the amplifier spontaneous emission noise. The transmission of an on-off keyed non-return to zero (NRZ) optical signal via a network of cascaded optical amplifiers (mainly: erbium doped fibre amplifiers (EDFAs)) were simulated using MATLAB. These EDFAs are separated by optical fibre losses and computations of amplified spontaneous emission noise (ASE), optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR), Q-factor and BER at both amplifier input and output was implemented. The BER performance of the system due to OSNR, ASE and BER are reported.
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