Effectivenss of Exercise Therapy for Pregnancy Related Pelvic and Low Back Pain: A Literature Review

Vidhya Krishna P

Effectivenss of Exercise Therapy for Pregnancy Related Pelvic and Low Back Pain: A Literature Review

Keywords : low back pain, exercise therapy, pregnancy related pelvic pain.


Background: Maternity-related pelvic and low-back pain are common during pregnancy. The adult often uses a correspondent exercise schedule including managed meditation, coordinated and productive utilization of muscles that control and backing the spine, alternate nostril breathing, lumbar- pelvic – hip stabilization exercise, and more features.
Objective: The intention of study is to appraise the studies of humans with maternity pelvic and low back pain cherished using profuse exercise therapy collate with supplementary approach to allay the pain when used for this purpose.
Data sources: A deliberate hunt of the accompanying data sets was embraced – Google scholar, PubMed, Cochrane library, science direct, ski – hub and research gate.
Methods: This investigation involves articles published from 2015 to 2022 that recognized in computerized exploring. Methodological assessment considered by using primary and secondary outcomes measures.
Results: A total of 10 articles were included. This study found that for maternal-related pelvic and low back painexercise therapy achieves more effect than the other treatment in physiotherapy. Finally, from our study exercise therapy could provide a wider choice for pain relief and ensure the strength during pregnancy.
Conclusion: results show as an effective in maternal related pelvic and low back pain patients improve their confidence and relaxation. This research is scientific to work up health professionals to uplift expectant mother to borrow a healthy situation and obstruct the raise in intensity of pelvic and low back pain.


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