Can I Call You “They”? Pronoun Preference and Linguistic Ideology of Gay Language Teachers

Keywords : Generic Pronouns, Nonbinary pronouns, Neopronouns, Linguistic Ideology


This study focused on examining the pronoun preferences of gay language teachers. The generic pronoun “he”, the nonbinary pronouns “he or she” and “they”, and the neopronouns “ey”, “ne”, “xe”, and “ze” were included. The participants ranked them from their least preferred pronoun to their most preferred pronoun. This set of data was analyzed through the use of frequency count. The results showed that most of the participants preferred the pronoun “he or she”. In addition, their linguistic ideologies were also drawn out based from their attitude expressed toward pronouns. They were analyzed using the mean scale and frequency count was utilized for the descriptive statistics. The results revealed that most of the respondents are leaning towards having LGBTQ affirmative ideology. However, the data also showed that there are respondents who are leaning towards having two linguistic ideologies instead of only one.


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