Applicable Research methodology in the research field of Physics

Keywords : Research methodology, experimental, theoretical, techniques used


Research work is carried out to discover the mysteries of nature and to design technology through the well-defined method. Research methodology is a systematic way to find the scientific solution of any problem. Basic thing required for research work is that the available resources should be utilized in full capacity. Simultaneously analysis of available data and new recorded data should also be done wisely. Now a days, research work is an integral part of the higher education. Exploring specific topic which is required for the benefit of the present society should be considered as the basis of the selection of research work. After this proper mechanism should be required to carry out research work. Therefore, it is compulsory for each researcher to have knowledge about research methodology used in the area of particular interest. In this paper research methodology used for experimental research work and theoretical research work in the area of physics has been discussed. The techniques and devices used for the development of advanced structural material are also mentioned in this paper.


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