Influence of on a company's selective working hour system on the employment rate of disabled people in South Korea
- Author Soo-Kyoung Oh
- DOI https://ww
- Country : Republic of Korea
- Subject : Social Welfare
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of companies' selective working hour system on the employment rate of disabled people. For this purpose, the original data of the 2021 Survey on the Employment Status of the Disabled in Business was used for the analysis. The results of the study are as follows. First, number of workers, the location of companies, and business type as the control variables have a significant effect on employment rate. Second, companies' selective working hour system was analyzed to have a statistically significant effect on the employment rate of disabled people. Based on the results of this study, it was proposed to strengthen employment for companies subject to compulsory employment of the disabled, to provide incentives when companies introduce the selective working hour system, to develop and distribute a customized selective working hour system model for the disabled, and to prevent prejudice against non-disabled people in introducing the system.
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