Positioning and Chest Physical Therapy for Pneumonia Patients: A Literature Review
- Author Jency S S
- Co-Author M Premkumar
- DOI https://ww
- Country : India
- Subject : Physiotherapy
Background: Pneumonia is a lung infection that causes more deaths in different age groups. The treatment is combined with respiratory physiotherapy, to help remove inflammatory exudates, tracheobronchial secretions, and airway obstructions, and reduce airway resistance to improve breathing and enhance gas exchange. The effective respiratory physiotherapy consisting of postural drainage, chest physical therapy including; percussion, vibration, breathing techniques and instrumental techniques.
Aim: to understand the importance of positioning and chest physical therapy in the treatment of pneumonia.
Data sources: A comprehensive search was conducted using Google Scholar, PubMed and Research Gate. Article published between 2012-2022.
Study selection: Articles included if they described the importance of positioning and chest physiotherapy in different age grouped pneumonia patients.
Results: This study included pneumonia patients with different age groups including neonates, children, adult and old age people. Studies were included systemic reviews, clinical trials, randomized control trials, narrative and literature reviews.
Conclusion: According to the studies, positioning and chest physiotherapy is effective in different age grouped patients. The condition is more improved after the therapy; and reduced on the duration of mechanical ventilation, and the duration of hospitalization.
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