Overview of Bacterial Identification for Mercury-resistant bacteria in coastal sediments in North Sulawesi

Henry M.F. Palandeng

Overview of Bacterial Identification for Mercury-resistant bacteria in coastal sediments in North Sulawesi

Keywords : antibiotics, sediment, environment


One of the pollutants whose presence is feared due to its high bodily toxicity. Due to their capacity to bind N2 from the air and convert ammonium into nitrate, bacteria play a crucial function as decomposers in sediments and promote plant growth. This research aimed to identify microorganisms found in sediments. Mercury-resistant bacteria are present in the environment, however, not all mercury-resistant bacteria must be antibiotic-resistant. The widespread use of antibiotics without realizing it has had a lot of impact on environmental pollution around us. Hospitals, clinics, farms, pharmaceutical factories and various units using drugs/antibiotics are suspected to be the causative factors. Likewise, the residual waste from the use of antibiotics enters the sewer, then is carried by water currents to the waters and sediments. Antibiotics that are not properly degraded can cause pollution to the area where the waste is disposed of, one of which is sediment in the coastal area.
Aim: To determine the overview of Mercury resistant bacteria in the sediments of the coastal area in North Sulawesi.
Method: This research is a descriptive quantitative research method aims to explain the phenomenon that is seen by using numbers that describe the characteristics of the subject under study.
Result: It was found that bacterial in the sediment were resistant to several types of antibiotics.
Conclusion: In Likupang, the microorganisms found were Staphylococcus-sp and in Buyat Bay, Bacillus-sp. At mercury concentrations of 250 ppm and 500 ppm, mercury-resistant bacteria isolated from sediments on Likupang and Buyat Bay were still able to thrive. At mercury concentrations of 750 ppm and 1000 ppm, Staphylococcus-sp and Bacillus-sp are still able to proliferate.


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