An Experimental Study of ICT and Multimedia Technologies in Teaching Writing Skills in English Language


An Experimental Study of ICT and Multimedia Technologies in Teaching Writing Skills in English Language

Keywords : ICT, Multimedia, Technologies, Control Group, Experimental Group, Pre-test. Post-test, Perception Questionnaires, Measure


This study was conducted with the main purpose of assessing the effect of both ICT and Multimedia technologies in teaching writing skills in English language at the undergraduate level. Subjects in the control group were taught through traditional face-to face instruction, whereas subjects in the experimental group were taught through ICT and Multimedia technologies. The pre-test, post-test, ICT and Multimedia perception questionnaires were used to measure, the prior knowledge, learning gains, and perceptions of students towards ICT and Multimedia respectively. In this study, two sets of questionnaires have been employed, i.e. students’ perception questionnaire and teachers’ attitude questionnaire. In order to measure the efficacy of some identified applications of ICT and Multimedia technologies, an intervention program has been designed for this study. The program is called Multimedia Technology Enabled Writing Instruction Program (MTEWIP). To ascertain proper implementation and, thus, the credibility of the findings, classroom observations were also conducted during the intervention.


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