Empowering Children with Disabilities-Impact of Inclusive Education

Keywords : Empowerment, inclusive education, marginalizing factors, disabilities, segregation, quality education


Education is an important empowerment tool for every individual and it should be available to all irrespective of their individual differences. Education should be accessible to all children to ensure equal and sustainable community development. Nevertheless, it is a sad reality that most of the children who are denied access to education are children living with disabilities. These disabilities may be characterized as physical, mental, cognitive and intellectual retardation, developmental deformations, or sensory-related deficiencies.
The goal of education of children with disabilities is the same as that of children without disabilities - to promote children in reaching their full potential and lead productive and dynamic life as active members of their communities. Moving away from exclusion and including all schoolchildren in general education classrooms and schools means providing all students in these classrooms with the exclusive supports and services that they need e.g., access to assistive devices, teacher assistants, and an adapted curriculum—to participate successfully in the classroom. This move is often a significant one that requires time, political will, and an understanding of the benefits of inclusive education for all students.


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